African Action e.V.


African Action e.V. 
Göttinger Chaussee 115
30459 Hannover, Germany
Tel. +49-511-45089633
Web messaging (virtual fax)  +49-721-151-440575



Der Verein African Action wurde 1995 mit dem Ziel gegründet, durch die Entwicklung verschiedener Projekte erstens einen aktiven Dialog zwischen den Kulturen herzustellen und zweitens einen Beitrag zur Durchführung verschiedener Hilfsprojekte in Afrika zu leisten.

Sehr schnell gelang es den aktiven Mitgliedern des Vereins, mit nur geringer finanzieller Unterstützung Teil der Kulturszene Niedersachsens zu werden. Von Anfang an wurde dabei mit bereits etablierten KulturträgerInnen kooperiert  und kontinuierlich Veranstaltungen durchgeführt. Bisherige Kooperationspartner sind die LAGS, das Kulturamt der Stadt Hannover, der VEN Niedersachsen, der Pavillon, die Universität Hannover und die Afrika Initiative. Mit all unseren Aktivitäten ist es uns gelungen, ein anerkannter Kulturträger und wichtiger Kooperationspartner für Projektvorhaben zu werden.

Kontonummer: 223 387
Stadtsparkasse Hannover
Bankleitzahl: 250 501 80

Introduction to African Action

African Action is a registered charity in Germany with the purpose of promoting environmental protection and environmental projects in Sub-Sahara Africa and fighting racism.

African Action e.V. was founded in 1995 by a group of interested persons from several countries and concentrates mainly on problems and issues in Sub-Sahara Africa.

The objectives of the charity are to promote activities which increase understanding for the various cultures of the African continent and their social and economic conditions and to network together international ecological activities which focus on Africa. The main aim is to promote international understanding and tolerance of different cultures while focusing on ecological themes and projects of all types.

A further area of interest is the debt crisis, which is closely connected with the continuing drastic decrease in the standard of living in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Our main activities are educational events, concerts with African musicians, campaigns, publications and the organizing of suitable rooms for interested parties for such purposes. We encourage cooperation with similar organisations in Germany and abroad, such as Greenpeace, VEN, UNICEF, Kinder Nothilfe Duisburg, Debt Crisis Network, Oxfam International, WEED, Frauenhofer Gesellschaft etc.

We try to encourage other groups with similar aims by advising on the various possibilities which are available for sponsoring.

News items about African countries in magazines and on television are often dominated by catastrophies and discussions of economic deficits. We try to counteract this trend with informational and publicity activities which report in a differentiated way about the wide range of cultural and social economic backgrounds. In conjunction with other projects, initiatives, organisations etc. we try to develop ways of improving the situation for the people living in Africa.

Account number: 223 387
Bank: Stadtsparkasse Hannover, Germany
Bank sort code: 250 501 80

* African Action e.V. * Home
Verein zur Förderung von Kulturprojekten in afrikanischen Ländern * email